April 07, 2011

Book club

I've been a member of the Bladlössen book club for about 6 months now, and it has been great fun. I've read books I most likely would never had read, but most of all I have met other women all at the same age as me and we all love books.

We meet every 6-7th week, eat something light and then discuss the book we've been reading while having tea and chocolate. Pretentious?! Not at all. Sometimes the book discussion ends rather quickly and we end up talking about everything but books. Other times we can't stop talking about the characters like they were our friends.

This month we've been reading Half of a yellow sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. A book I would never have looked at since both title and cover sounded a bit strange, but I have to admitt just like so many others – what a book!

The book takes place in Nigeria during the Nigerian-Biafran war in 1967-1970 and we get to follow four very different people. The high ranking politician, the professor, the British citizen and the houseboy. All whose life change drastically due to the war and decisions they make.

It's a book that, as a north European and born after the Bifra war, gives me a lot insight on Africa and what happened when the British had left. It's actually only 44 years ago and has of course had a great impact on Nigerians but also ex-pat Brits who stayed in Nigeria. Something that I more or less didn't know anything about, but do now. A great read.

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