August 05, 2006


I was outed as a blogger yesterday. I know it would happen one day or another, but still it caught me a bit off guard.

Yesterday morning one of the Marketing ladies came by our little cubicle where my team and I sit. She entered by asking if I blogged. Uhm, well I do… My mind started racing immediately wondering what she could have found and if I might be in trouble. She continued saying that she had done a search on the company and found a very amusing post about a meeting in London. I remember being very frustrated when writing that post and also wondering if I might be saying too much. This is the Internet after all… But I did it anyway thinking that it would go by unnoticed. Having been part of the Internet for more than 10 years and most of those years as a professional my frustration must have clouded my mind very much… So I succumbed saying that yes it was my blog. To my surprised she told me that it was well written and just plain amusing. For a while she had also wondered if it could be me since the English was so good. She ended with saying that I should keep up the good work. Flatter will take you everywhere…

After this little outing we started discussing blogs as a whole. It’s coming more and more in Sweden, but still it’s not changing the business scene as it is in the US or the UK. It’s just the “early adapters” who does it and neither of them is out to change the world. The Marketing lady used to work at Communications Department and she told me that our CEO had asked her two years ago if he should start blogging. He had read somewhere about CEO bloggers and now he was wondering if he should do it too. He never did though, since hardly anybody in Sweden know what blogs where back then. Hearing this got my mind working in all different kind of directions. We have to get him blogging. Then we could do a PR thing presenting him as one of the first Swedish CEO bloggers. That would be so cool both business and marketing/brand wise. Travel 2.0 is just around the corner as well for the Swedish travel industry and with a blogging CEO we could take the lead. One has to start somewhere.

We both got pretty worked up with the idea, but getting it to work in reality will be a totally different thing. But if I run into our CEO (not very likely though) and I’m going to be a bit bold and tell him about our idea.


Mack Collier said...

"We have to get him blogging. Then we could do a PR thing presenting him as one of the first Swedish CEO bloggers. That would be so cool both business and marketing/brand wise."

Good idea Cathy! I really don't think blogging is that big among businesses here in the US yet either, it's just that bloggers tend to make a big deal out of the few companies that are actively blogging.

Cathy said...

Thanks Mack! I feel quite honoured getting a comment from you :=)

Mack Collier said...

Awwww.....thank you Cathy, just for that I'll have to start commenting more often ;)