October 29, 2006

Books, books, books

While in London I also visited Borders to buy some magazines and of course books. I haven’t finished reading all the books I bought the last time in London, so it wasn’t really like I needed more books. But then on the other hand one can never have too many books… So I left Borders with two quite heavy bags. Something that Philip also noticed being a gentleman and carrying the bags when we were looking for a restaurant. Thank you! I owe you!

Talk to the Hand – Lynne Truss
Where did words like please and thank you go?

Watching the English – Kate Fox
The hidden rules of English behaviour.

How to walk in high heels – Camilla Morton
The girl’s guide to everything.

Having time over at Heathrow the next day I could of course resist not stopping at Books etc. end got two moor books. Now I just need some time off so I can read, read and read.

Left bank – Kate Muir
Life in the most exclusive and elegant neighbourhood of Paris.

Bookends – Jane Green
Two friends and a bookshop.

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