November 15, 2006

November darkness

The rain, cold and darkness of November have once again hit me. I’m actually surprised that half of November has already gone. Usually ir hits me a lot earlier. Guess I just haven’t had the time to notice it getting colder, darker and wetter outside. But now I have, and all I want to do is sleep, eat carbs and hide under a blanket until March or so. Two more weeks until Advent and all the lights coming out. Then there is only four more four weeks until winter solstice and the days getting longer again.

Also as usual I’m not really looking forward to the holidays. With only adults around on Christmas Eve some of that childish, carefree and jolly feeling is lost. We eat and sit around just because we have to. Everybody is just waiting for the day to end so they can go home. Christmas Day is spent in peaceful bliss eating leftovers, reading and watching telly and by Boxing Day everyone is very ready to hit the shops for the after Christmas sale.

Some people have even started to talk about New Year’s Eve and I’m just keeping quiet. You just don’t say that you haven’t spent NYE with anybody since the Millennium Eve. It hurts from time to time of course, but on the other hand I don’t need to worry about what to wear or how to get home in the wee hours of the morning. This year I’ve played with the idea of going away, but I would still be alone. So it’s much better to just stay home, have some wine, read and maybe even go to bed before midnight to get over with it. The next day when everybody is tired and hungover I will wake up bright and early to a new year.

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