November 02, 2006

Three-day weekend

Never did I think having a day off would make me this happy, but I am. Since Saturday is a holiday the office closes at noon tomorrow. Being able to work from home in the morning I will only check my email and finish a Power Point presentation before having more or less three days to do whatever I feel like. Right now I’m planning on reading a lot, do some nice cooking and read some more. Also of course, to sleep late and take a nap in the afternoon without feeling guilty. One of life’s little pleasures.


Anonymous said...

Do absolutely not think about the rest of us slaving away at the office :)



Cathy said...

You poor things! Not! :=) Don't you think it's time to go home now?!

Anonymous said...

...will they ever let us out?

Hello, anyone?

/ Hope you had a great weend !

C U 2 morrow....