January 10, 2007

Back on the wagon

I’m back on the healthy wagon again after the holidays. Fourth straight day today. And I've been to the gym twice already this week. Yeah! But dang it’s hard and I keep wonder how the heck I managed to lose almost 23 kilos the last time I was being serious about losing weight. What was my motivation and what kept me going? I’ve tried to remember, but I haven’t got a clue. I’ve also tried to remember what I thought about myself back then and see the difference to how I feel now. Tons of things have changed in those 3½ years, but I can’t for the world remember any of those feelings either. Suppressed maybe?

My friend Laura in Atlanta passed on this link, which shows what
200 calories look like. A great reminder that 553 grams melon is much more worth than 40 grams M&Ms.

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