January 22, 2007

Happy birthday Wikipedia!

On January 15th Wikipedia became 6 years old. Created by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales in 2001 Wikipedia is now one of the most visited sites on the Internet. I find myself using Wikipedia quite often, even though the site has been criticised for not always being accurate. I find its articles very good when it comes to facts regarding current affairs and modern phenomenon, but if I’m doing some real research I check the facts on other sites as well. But still, here's to another 6 years!
Earlier in the month, the number of English articles on Wikipedia crossed 1.5 million. This number grows by almost 2000 every single day.

More than a million people visit Wikipedia every day (half of whom visit the English pages). Five out of every 100 Internet users visit Wikipedia daily. Only 11 other sites are visited by more people.

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