February 06, 2007

Modern maladies

With every new media new maldies come along. A New Scienteist article looks at new activities and habits of people in the Internet age like egosurfing, Google-stalking and being a Wikipediholic. I know for sure that I’m a guilty of egosurfing and Google-stalking from time to time. But aren’t we all?!?!

Blog streaking - Revealing secrets or personal information online, which for everybody's sake would be best kept private.
Crackberry - The curse of the modern executive, not being able to stop checking your BlackBerry even at you grandmother's funeral.
Cyberchondria - A headache and a particular rash at the same time? Extensive online research tells you it must be cancer.
Egosurfing - When "just checking" gets out of control
Infornography - You're beyond being a healthy "infovore": acquiring and sharing information has become an addiction for you.
You Tube narcissism - Not even your closest family want to see hours of your holiday videos.
Google-stalking - Snooping online on old friends, colleagues or first dates.
MySpace impersonation - Many of us pretend to be someone we're not when we are online, but some will pretend to be a well-known figure.
Powerpointlessness - One too many flashy slides.
Photolurking - Flicking through a photo album of someone you've never met.

Wikipediholism - Excessive devotion to a certain online collaborative encyclopedia.

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