February 21, 2007

Rudest cities in the UK

According to the Somerfield Group Liverpool and Birmingham are the rudest cities in the UK. The researchers put city dwellers to the test on traditional acts of politeness including willingness to give up their seat on a bus for a pregnant woman or elderly person, punctuality and holding open doors for others.

  • Glasgow and Sheffield topped the politeness poll

  • About 99% of Glaswegians said they always offered their bus seat to a pregnant woman

  • Sheffield residents are the most likely to be punctual

  • Londoners are among the least punctual

  • The Scots were found to be the most chivalrous


Anonymous said...

I will second that. Just been stranded in Glasgow for a couple of hours because of technical difficulites with the plane. Fokker 100, just I'm not making it up, was returned to Amsterdam and left us stranded.

Anyway the KLM groundcrew were wonderful, and even though I'm still in Amsterdam (should have been home by now), I think I will leave this experience even more loyal to the brand.

They did an excellent job of rebooking and compensation on the spot. (I know our routine and I guess just about everything else is better...)

Well, take care and I'll see you back at the office.

Office-not bad for being a Microsoft product. Microsoft-really bad for the rest of the world.

;) F

Cathy said...

Your poor thing!!!

The Blues sure know how to be service minded. I got stranded at CDG the day before Midsummer and in no time (French no time that is:=) they had given out both room and dinner vouchers for a top notch hotel.