February 13, 2007

Weird dreams

The last couple of nights I’ve been having very weird dreams. It’s not really nightmares, but when I wake up I’m either angry or frustrated or both. My heart is racing and if I could I would probably hit someone or something.

Most dreams are about me fighting some invisible power. I don’t know if I’m stupid or stubborn but I just keep going and going. I usually wake up when I feel like I can’t do it anymore and feel very frustrated because nothing worked. Another reoccurring dream is I being treated very unfair and it doesn’t matter what I do or say people still try to walk all over me. Usually some person that I think very highly of is watching on without doing anything, which makes me very angry.

So either I’m going nuts or I’m just cooping with some stress and pressure that I’m not really aware of yet. Probably the last since dreams are said to be the mirror of our soul.

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