November 23, 2006

Health check

It was time for the annual health check at work this morning. As always dreading the worse I was sure I was going to get told that I weighed too much and needed to lose weight. Too my surprise it was almost the other way around.

My blood sugar was low (almost too low), my cholesterol was low and my blood pressure was low. I never thought I would hear a nurse say that that I should go home and have candy and crisps, but this one did. When it came to my weight it was of course I who said something. But I’m still in the healthy range and thinking that I do weights twice a week I had nothing to worry about. BMI doesn’t tell the full story if you’re healthy or not.

Needless to say I almost skipped out of the doctor’s office feeling quite proud of myself. I’m not doing that bad after all.

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