Spiegel’s cover this week is about Second Life: “The Digital Masked Ball” and the "millions" who meet there. Millions? No, not even a million, worldwide. So consider how many of those are in Germany and this is a cover that covers a damned small trend. Hype is a virus.I’m pretty curious though. Especially since Sweden the first country to establish diplomatic representation in the virtual reality world. Something must attract all those people, just like chartrooms and BBS did 10 years ago. Hm, maybe it’s time to take a closer look at it myself.
February 20, 2007
Second Life
Jeff Jarvis on the hype of Second Life:
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1 comment:
Do explore it, if u haven't already. It's fun, but weired, and I, as well, think it is overhyped: a lot of the companies that set up shop there don't understand what they're getting themselves into, don't have a strategy beyond buying a piece of land or setting up office there and the prime motive seems to be real world PR. I blogged about this in regard to Sydsvenskan, which I'm sorry to say seems like the perfect example of this. Them buying an island in Second Life to enhane the community with their readers is ... innovative, but if all readers can do is go there and put suggestions of improvement in a mailbox, and apart from that the island is all empty, it comes across as not very well thought thru at the best, only a PR-stunt at worst...
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