Feeling a bit philosophical this Sunday afternoon. How would life be if there was no air traffic ever again? At the moment the sky is blue and the birds are singing. No traces so ever from air planes in the sky. Sounds pretty good. But then on the other hand, what about all those things we have become used to. We might not need them, but we are very used to them. Fruit, vegetables and flowers from all over the world all year around. And travel. The convenience of jumping on a plane and a couple of hours later end up somewhere totally different. You can always go by boat or train, but that isn't the fast way of transportation. Maybe that is the problem? We believe everything has be done right here, right now this minute. We are impatience and think we don't have enough time.
If there is something the ash cloud can tell us people is that Mother Earth is big and powerful and cannot be tamed no matter what we think. She decides when we are able to fly again. No one else.
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