August 16, 2011

Touch of autumn

For the last couple of days (or is it last week?) the weathermen have banged on about that autumn is around the corner. In the north there is even talks about frost. I don't want it to be true, but there are signs of autumn everywhere. The leaves in the trees have another sound when the wind is blowing. The sound is harder as from drier leaves. Still no yellow leaves, but another month or so... Eeek!

Another sign is the light in the evenings. It's now getting dark around 9pm. For some of you that is still very late I know, but not here. We know what awaits – darkness, and a lots of it. But since I'm still on leave (just a few days left) I still think it's summer and refusing trousers or shoes without an open toe or heel. Let's come back in a month and talk autumn, not now.

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