September 25, 2011

Photo of the day

Yesterday a friends came up with the idea that we were going to meet in the afternoon for a long walk by the sea. At first I was a bit apprehensive after having had a very long week at work, and all I really wanted was to take a nap on the sofa in the sun. But after having been promised dinner after the walk I was definitely on.

For almost 3 hours we walked along the sea and climbed the rocks. The weather was just perfect. Sunny, clear and with a hint of autumn in the air. And along with the blowing wind both our busy minds got cleared and we just felt very refreshed instead.

I love the sea, but unfortunately don't take the time to enjoy it often enough. And I live in a harbour town...Hm...

As usual I snapped tons of photos. This is my favourite and it shows everything that was perfect with that walk.

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