November 12, 2006

Thank you Norway!

In Sweden we do love our brothers in Norway. The union between our countries was dissolute over 100 years ago, but still we fight like real siblings… Reading Kristine Lowe's post made just me laugh out loud. I guess we Swedes are slightly wacky. Especially thinking about the first article - believing that astrology is science. Maybe it's time to move to Norway…
Only in Sweden
Where else can you read these two headlines on the same day: "
One in four Swedes think astrology is a science" and "Drunken elk terrorises schoolkids"... it has to be Sweden of course. That lovely, but slightly wacky place across the border from my current whereabouts.


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't really think Norway has much to recommend it over Sweden. In Sweden the elks may create havoc when drunk, but in Norway they do even worse things when they are horny:
Jokes aside, there's a very favourable tax agreement btwn Norway and Sweden that makes being a Swede working in Norway quite agreeable, but personally I praise myself lucky to be back in London for a week...

Cathy said...

I agree. London beats both Norway and Sweden on all accounts.