August 28, 2011

Working in the city

One and half week into my new job and I'm still very fascinated by the fact that I now work right in the middle of the city. When I step outside the door there is people everywhere, and of course shops. Actually my office is located on the 4th floor of a department store. Yes, I can take the lift down and end up right in the middle of shoes, clothes, bags, make up or kitchenware. A big atrium also means I can stand by the office window looking at people going shopping. So far I haven't shouted at them for buying the wrong things, but you never know...

When it comes to my new job I'm currently suffering from information overload and my head is so tired when it's time to go home. At bedtime I start thinking again and I have woken up several times thinking about things and in what column they should go. Not really sure what that last thing means, other than I'm probably sorting the information without even thinking about it. I love the products the company sells and the aim to create global people. They did it with me 25 years ago so I know it works. I remember how amazing it was but also how it felt to be homesick or suffer from massive culture chock. I've been there too.

There is one thing I miss though and that's my "old partner in crime" whom I've tested ideas on for the last 5 years. At the moment I can only ask myself if it's right or wrong and then go with my instinct. But I'm sure the more I get to know people and they get to know me I'll find a new partner. One always does, and it's very good to broaden your horizons. Even when just playing with ideas. And it has only been a week and a half. Need to remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day...

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